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Safe Security

  • 17 Apr 2024
  • 12:00 - 13:00
  • Zoom

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This month we'll here from Dakin Levit of SAFE Security.
      Cyber Risk Quantification Management
1. Framing the problem we solve + a customer example
2. Review how the SafeOne platform works - CRQ / TPRM / Cyber Insurance
3. How you can leverage Safe as a vCISO or how your clients and partners can gain value from Safe.
SAFEone will be given 30 minutes to present and then take questions for 10-15 minutes, then we let them leave so we can discuss privately. 


Please take a look at their site, and if you have questions you know you want to ask,  join us on Slack and share them in #vciso-roundtable. 

If you are not on Slack yet, make sure you join vCISO Catalyst today and get your invite to Slack for all the great conversations daily. 



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